
Music is what comes out of the speakers when we play a CD on our stereo or a track in our iPods.  It is what we hear on the radio. Music is singers singing and musicians playing. Music is a sound that we enjoy hearing.


Instruments, notes, scales, rhythm, tempo, chords, harmony, bass and melody come to our minds when we think about music.  However, there come other thoughts and feelings too, the ones that make us feel good, so excited, animated, enthusiastic, motivated, and eager to move our body. We could expand on this a bit and say that music creates emotions, or interacts with the emotions we already feel and, most of the time, it makes us want to dance, love, and sing.


Music is an important part of my life!!!

What about you?

One thought on “Music

  1. Congrats, Mary! Sergio Mendes is one of my favorite musicians because I love Samba and Bossa Nova. For me music is a door to my emotions, a mean to healing trough musictherapy and relaxation. Besides, music is a wonderful companion for special moments with my couple.

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