you can do itThis is a new section and a new idea. The objective of “My Area of Improvement” is to make you realize the areas of English you need to improve. First, please identify what is the area you need to work on or to improve (speaking, listening, writing, reading, structure, intonation, pronunciation, vocabulary, content, etc.) Second, look for a solution. That is, your remedial plan or your action plan, what your are going to do to improve that area.

So, please write your comment with your area of improvement and your action plan.

32 thoughts on “MY AREA OF IMPROVEMENT

  1. Report #2

    I talked with a friend. Her name is Jonathan. He is studing Intermedio English 2 at INA, too.
    I watched videos on the web page.
    I saw the practices of Intermedio CD I of the Unit 5.

  2. report #2
    – I talked to with my sister on monday
    – I studied new vocabulary on tuesday
    – I saw the videos

  3. Report!
    Well, my specific area of improvement is speaking.
    I talked with my friends in English by whatsapp and we talk about different things, we send audios, pictures, and it’s very good for practice and I learn more vocabulary each day. Everyday I try to talk a little bit English because if you don’t practice your English you can’t improve and you forget many things.

  4. My report
    today I speak with my friend Nathaly, she is a industrial Engineer , she works in HP. we speak around 45 minutes, and we talk about my self,about our childhood, etc.
    she ask me some questions, for example what kind or food do you like?
    where do you see your self in five year from now ? and others.
    I felt very well. First i was nervous, and after I felt relax.

  5. Report 1

    I´ve been talked with my friend Michael and my cousin Esteban
    they learned English too In INA and they´ve been help me with my structure and vocabulary, this week we was talking about our lifes and we enjoy very much doing videos.

    I want to practice more and improve my lenguage, also I´ve been watch videos on Marisol webside about this important topics!

    I hope to follow learning.

  6. I was study with my friend Guillermo Chaverri, he works in a call center(HP), he lived in EUA for abouth 10 years. He helps me with my pronunciacion, we talking abouth many things. In the afternonn I check the web page and look diferent videos abouth pronunciation and grammar. The most important is the perseverance.

  7. Report week #1

    – The last tuesday I went to visit my cousin and in this place I practiced English with my friend Derek. He is from chicago, he is 25 years old, he arrived two months ago in Costa Rica, he is economist and very friendly.

    – I studied structures in my house and practiced in this webpage exercise to improve my structures when speaking.

  8. My report.

    On monday I was a chat with some people. We talked about hobbies and food.
    On tuesday I saw videos in youtube I practiced the structure and vocabulary.
    On wednesday I talked with my friend Jonathan. He is a student of the Intermedio 2 at Ina too. We talked about the interview of job


  9. This is my report of my first advance.
    The wednesday at 5:00 pm, I spoke with jennifer nolte by skipe, her is my moms friend, she lives in United stated, and i gave some importants subjects how childhood,citys problems, and other free subjects.
    But first she asked me for my background and i said her a little abaut me.
    then she asked me, what did i played in highschool, Did i use to sweep a lot, Did i strike my frends if I wing in the playground, did i get good grades in highschool, did i care a lot abaut my apperance…
    next she asked me for my city, where i live, how is the weather in my city, she asked me for 5 problem, and i spoke abaut the pollution, the rush hour, bicycle lane, bus system and street light…
    after that she asked my for 5 solution for that problems….
    next she said me four words and i must tell her a little story. that four words were: a dog, beach, a woman, doctor.
    and finally she asked my for my family, for my sisters life, for my brothers life, when i was pregnant and how was my life when my baby was a newborn..


    and next a did other advance of my area of improvement, i listened some audios CD, and i tried to write all.
    first is :he is a the rocket man a frankin chang biografy..his childhood,when he moved to the united states,when he had been a famous astronaut,when he was very younger.
    the second is a article abaut is your town a bike friendly:
    why is very importante ride a bike in the city, some advantages and disvantages.
    and finally is a article abaut the wishes of the youngers for example some teenagers wish a good physical apperance, other had a special power, other teenangers for material items or have a lot of money..

  10. My report:
    – On monday, I practiced with the Interchange CD in the Unit 1.
    – On tuesday, I practiced with the Interchange CD in the Unit 2.
    – On wednesday, I talked with a person in a chat online about of traffic jam and how is your country.

  11. My firts report:
    -On monday I went to my friend’s house and I helped her son to study for the exam.
    -On tuesday I visited the web page and saw some videos.
    -On Wednesday I went to talk with an american man.

  12. my report:
    – I helped my brother in his homework on monday
    – I talked to my sister during the afternoon in english on monday and tuesday
    – I went to place and talked to a american person on wednesday
    – I talked with Xinia and Ana on wednesday

  13. My report the first week
    Monday: I search and study new vocabulary
    Tuesday:I see and listen videos the wed page
    Wednesday:I study and speak english with karla

  14. My improvemen area is the speaking.
    I need more practice, when a speak, I feel nervous.
    The vocabulary is other problem, because, I need to know new words.
    I am persisten and I never to do to give up.

  15. My areas of improvement are speaking, listening, pronunciation and content. I think i need to practice more in all but especially on those mentioned previously.
    My solutions are to introduce more content in my conversations because i don´t produce very much when i speak. I have some bilingual cousins so i´m going to practice with them, also i´m going to study for half an hour each day when i arrive to my house after classes. This is a good advice to learn english.

  16. My areas of improvement are speaking and writting.
    In case of speaking, is because when I talk to someone, I feel that I can give more of my knowledge, opnion or whatever we´re talking, so I think that I need to have more confidence in myself.
    On the other hand, I have the writing problem. I don´t think is in content, structure or lack of ideas because i´m a little good in that. Sometimes I forget how to write words, simple words… and is exhausting be looking words in the dictionary that I know how to pronounce or what the meaning is, just because I don´t know how to write.
    For my first improvement, my plan is to talk with a friend that is studying english, everytime we can… by messages, phone calls, skype or even social networks and help each other when we make a mistake. For the second one, try to listen english songs, movies, tv shows and when I listen to words that are difficult to me to write, put them in a list on my phone (because my phone is like my hair… I carry it everywhere) and be aware to see it everyday to keep them in my mind. it´s difficult but not imposible.

  17. My areas of improvement are listening and speaking, content an vocabulary in specific.
    my remedial plans will be listening to music and practice Englis at home with my husbund, because he has a really good English.

  18. My areas of improvement are speaking , listening , pronunciation and content. I think i need to practice more in all but specific in those mentioned above.
    My solucions are introduce more content when i talk in english because i don’t have production in my conversations. I have some bilingual cousins so i talk and practice with them. Also i need to study for half an hour each day when i arrive to my house form classes , this is a good advice.

  19. My área of improvemente are:
    -Speak with my cousin and friends in english.
    -Look tv shows in english
    -Read books in english and learning more vocabulary

  20. My areas of improvement in English are structure and vocabulary.
    Because I need to talk in a good way and with more content.
    My solutions are:
    – Read and watch movies in English.
    – Talk to someone who knows English.
    – Learn more vocabulary.
    – See videos of some webpage.

  21. My area of improvement in english are speaking and listening .
    I need content and vocabulary, i need more security in myself.
    My solutions are:
    Learn more vocabulary
    Practice with some friends
    Talking with my neighbors they are from United States
    Watching movies in english and listening music in english too

  22. My areas of improvement in English are listening and speaking.
    I need to learn English for get a good work, although the way is hard for me.
    The English is necesary in many thing.
    My solutions are:
    Practice with my friends.
    Use the chat on internet for exchange ideas in English.
    Watch and listen movies on TV.
    Learn more vocabulary.

  23. My areas of improvement are speaking and listenig. I need to learn new vocabulary to talk more and to understand better. Also I get nervous when I talk and that makes me forget things.
    My solutions are:
    Control my nerves
    Talk more
    Practice with my friends that speak english
    Watch programs in english
    See videos in pages web recommended

  24. My areas of improvement in english are listering and speaking
    I need to get used to the ear
    I need to talk more and be careful
    – practice with my friends
    – to talk more with other people
    – watch tv in english
    – see videos
    and I also need more vocabulary

  25. Well, my areas of improvement are speaking, listening and grammar because of the structure.
    I get nervious when I’m trying to talk.
    Listening is the other area because sometimes I loose the track of the words or because I don’t understand, and the last thing is grammar because I tend to translate everything from Spanish to English, and then if I want to say something I can’t because I make confusing sentences and at the end I can’t speak.
    My plan is of improve these areas by becoming self confident so in that way I won’t get that nervous. I want to be able to focus in a better way when people are talking to me and at the end I’ll make well-structured sentences.

  26. My areas of improvement are pronunciation and speaking. I think i need to practice more so i have a solution plan, I’ll gonna search videos on the internet and web pages where i can listen some words that are a bit difficult for me to pronounce, also i have friends who their native language is english so I’ll improve my speaking with them.

  27. My areas of improvement are listening and speaking, because I understand very little when I hear an audio or watch a video.Also, is difficult for me, formulate a conversation.
    My remedial plans are try to talk with someone.
    Read more, and follow the web page for listen the videos.
    Learn more vocabulary.
    Watch and listen programs in English.

  28. My areas of improvement in english are speaking and listening because for my is difficult.I have a concentrating problems when I See or listen videos.I am very nervous for that reason is difficult to me to speak english with other persons.I need more vocabulary for speak more in english.
    My solucion is:
    Read texts or books and search words that I dont understand.
    Also speak english with my friends
    Use ina wed page and the Internet to improve
    Watch and listen programs in english.

  29. My areas of improvement are speaking and pronunciation.In the case of speaking, sometimes I forget some simple past words. Its not a big problem. Only I need to introduce more vocabulary in each conversation.Also I have a problem with some words with “th” like “three” for this reason I m going to watch videos about this specific problem.In the Past I found some web pages with information about the correct pronunciation of “th” So I’ m going to read and practice again.I have some bilingual’s friends So I practice with them.

  30. My areas of improvement are speaking and structure i need to be a good speaker. So I prepare a remedial plan.
    My remedial plans are
    First: Talk with some friends that speak english.
    Second: Two days a week i will go to intercultural center and meet people who are native of United States
    Third: See videos and photos of some webpage that i think is good for speaking.

    • My areas of improvement are speaking and and writting.
      In both case I need to better the structure. In speaking I need to talk more so my solutions are:
      to talk english with some friends
      to read a book in english
      to follow any page online
      to look a chat in english with other people that talk english.

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